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Tell us about you, your organization and/or your current/future project(s).

I am an English teacher and an activist of the NGO “Social Initiative Institute”.  This organization was created in 2013 by a group of enthusiasts as a long-term project for change in society.

Why and when did you become an active citizen?

I have become an active citizen because I wanted social change in my community.  I became active within my NGO when I have read their advertising about volunteering.

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What are your hopes, goals and expectations for the future and how do you plan to realize them?

I hope to educate as many people on this topic as I can. I plan to share my knowledge about Digital Storytelling through seminars in my town and villages throughout the whole Ukraine. I would like to raise funding for the further promotion of the project.

What are you wishes for the future of Ukraine and for yourself?

I wish that Ukraine will join the EU eventually and that the quality of living will rise and young people will no longer be obliged to go abroad for better life. I also wish that more people within Ukraine will become active citizens.

YOU are Active in Ukraine (The project is called Active YOUkraine)…Where do you locate yourself within the Ukrainian society?

I locate myself as active youth.


Інститут Суспільних Ініціатив (Society Initiatives Institute) logo
Adress: вул. Кульпарківська 93А, 79000 Львів, Україна
Website: sii.org.ua
Facebook: facebook.com/SocietyInitiativesInstitute