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Tell us about you, your organization and/or your current/future project(s).

My name is Nastia and I am a student of at the History Department of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. I am an active member of DJU/ Deutsche Jugend in der Ukraine. I am found of dancing. As a dancer, I created my own dance studio. Together with a group, we create dance performances, cultural events and charity concerts on the stage of the university.

Why and when did you become an active citizen?

If I think about it, I am active maybe since already my childhood. My parents were an example for me: They always taught me to be active and to participate in different projects, in order to improve myself.

What are your hopes, goals and expectations for the future and how do you plan to realize them?

First of all, I should note that I really dream about happiness and the success of my country. As for me personal, I just want to say that everyone can initiate change – but it must always begin with yourself.

What are you wishes for the future of Ukraine and for yourself?

As for myself, I wish for more creativity, inspiration and improvement. As for Ukraine, I wish for successful and social active citizens.

YOU are Active in Ukraine – where do you locate yourself within the Ukrainian society?

Since I love dancing and I regularly organize dance performances, charity concerts and cultural events, I locate myself in the cultural sphere.


Deutsche Jugend in der Ukraine
Website: dju.org.ua