Tell us about you, your organization and/or your current/future project(s).

I am Katcha and I am often lost when I face these kinds of questions. I am the owner of a vintage accessories shop, I love bright colours in outfits. I try to develop my personality and recently I joined the team of “Susidy.PRO”. The main goal of this initiative group is to help the community in the re-creation of good neighbouring traditions.

Why and when did you become an active citizen?

I used to think about the start of my social participation in connection with Erasmus+program. In December 2013 I happened to be at one seminar in Armenia, which completely changed my life. It was my first experience with non-formal education, work in international team, first step to understand that we are much more than we think about ourselves. Trainers facilitated us on the way from comfort zone to the place where we could reflect upon our reactions, our habits and perceptions. We could see the difference between values we state and value that are actually important for us. Ever since then, my perception changed completely! I discovered my own personality more, I know that I am inspired by other people, and I know I can inspire them as well.

What are your hopes, goals and expectations for the future and how do you plan to realize them?

My plan is to become a trainer. I feel really inspired when I can be part of some good changes in people´s life. For a start, I wish to organize some small events in Kyiv, like art-therapy. Or meeting only for women to reconnect with own nature more.

What are you wishes for the future of Ukraine and for yourself?

I have the wish that Ukrainians will be  more conscious on a daily personal level. Your „being proud to be Ukrainian“ should not be just words. But it is all you eat, all your words to your family, or to people in public transport, it is all your trash thrown away from the window, it is your bills payed not in the full amount, and your mentality „I will steal a little bit, no one will notice“.
For myself I wish go to sleep earlier than 11pm. And I wish that I will be working hard enough and with enough willpower to reach a more advanced level in yoga.

YOU are Active in Ukraine – where do you locate yourself within the Ukrainian society?

I locate myself among teachers and guides. I am the person who helps others to find what they really want to do and what do they love.
I locate myself somewhere in the marginalized part – in a way that there is no simple recipe of life journey: school, university, office job, kids, grandchildren, death. I am happy that people are not as afraid as before to choose their own path, create jobs that never existed before – and basically search not for working place, but for own passion and mission. One of the fascinating phenomenons is the sharing economy – a completely needed and developing thing that might unite people inside the society. From one side it gives people an understanding of conscious consumption, from other side it is the way to barter a system which is much more personal than the relation between consumer and enterprise.


“СусідиPRO” (Susidy.PRO)