
You are actively committed to Ukrainian society? You want to share your visions and ideas? And you want to learn more about Digital Storytelling? 

Be part of Active YOUkraine!

We offer a three-day workshop in Berlin, Germany at the following dates:

Berlin, Germany:               16 September – 18 September 2016

Working languages will be English, Russian and Ukrainian. Please note that we
can’t provide accommodation during the workshop and do not cover travel expenses.
The workshop is free and does not require previous knowledge!

On the Blog you can find already some Digital Stories as well as impressions from the last workshop.

Application Deadline is the 11. September 2016!

For more information check out the official Call for Participants.


The participants will have a platform to reflect on their activism, their motivation, the challenges they face on the way, and the goals they have already reached. In order to initiate social dialogue, they are free to promote their ideas in a creative way. At the end of the workshop their Digital Stories will be published on this blog.

Topics of the Digital Stories could be:

  • personal experiences and setbacks which inspired the participants to engage themselves socially
  • challenges the activists had to face during their engagement in Ukraine and/ or Germany